When you an institution with multiple retail outlets and often lose track of issues raised by your outlets e.g broken plumbing, failing air-conditioning, what do you do?
You develop a (potentially, lengthy manual) process that your staff will adhere to in the logging and resolution of issues, or you call us to install a solution that simplifies the logging, resolution and automatic escalation of issues.
Issue Tracker spots an equally simple clean interface to aid with navigation.
The interface may change subject to the type of user logged in, to ensure access to the most commonly used features is guaranteed.
Given the vast range of issues users may wish to log, the interface is designed to grant flexibility to the users. This includes the upload of attachments to support the clarification of issues, and aid in resolution.
Issue Tracker ships with a contracts management module (activated upon request).
Contracts management provides features such as automated reminders for supplier contracts due to expire or in need of review.
An array of reports and data mining features are available from which the user may access the report of their choice.
Additional reports may be incorporated upon request.
"Simplicity is critical, but the ability to respond to a client's changing needs is paramount"